Meditation has been a blessing during this quarantine. I have been part of a small group meditating on abundance. I have mediated with my son somewhat regularly. And I have maintained my 3 pm mediation which is breath work and expressing gratitude.
I’m getting into a writing rhythm with my journal. I have three times more blog posts for 2020 thus far, than I had for all of 2019. Writing and blogging definitely serve as forms of meditation. Meditation is extended thought, contemplation or spiritual reflection. I use my mediation for focused thought and spiritual reflection.
Mediation, Saturday devotion with friends and journaling have brought much ease to my mind. I’m thankful for the peace that I’m cultivating through my meditation practice and prayers. I selectively read news articles. I listen to specific news channels and hardly watch any television news. I’m staying informed, however if your not careful, some of the news will disrupt all the positive work you’re doing in meditation.
Ease your mind and explore the power of meditation. Quieting our minds, listening to our souls and the Spirit within is indeed a blessing. Be sure to guard your minds from all that would to seek to disrupt what you’re gaining from meditation.
“Ease My Mind” handcrafted collage by Heather Polk. 2019